Bodyblade® Training Principles

Bodyblade® Training Principles

Bodyblade trains the body in a low impact environment that automatically adjusts to the needs of the user. There is no need for bands, pulleys, or added weight to vary resistance because Bodyblade is based entirely on the principles of inertia and the interaction between you and your Bodyblade. Simply varying the amount of force you exert on the Bodyblade will provide you the range of resistance and coordination needed to challenge your entire neuromuscular system. Follow the FITT principle to help you reach your training goals!

Using your Bodyblade 3–5 times a week is a great way to increase strength, stability, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.
The greater the force you input to create flex in the blade, the greater resistance you will feel. Moving your Bodyblade further away from your body will create increased challenge and resistance. This is done by extending your arms slowly away from your body center.
Make it your goal to reach 60 seconds in each position. To start, your goal can be broken down into shorter time segments such as 6 sets of 10 seconds each. The more muscle endurance you develop, the longer you will be able to work in each position. For an increased challenge, continue to extend the amount of time in each exercise until you reach fatigue. Varying both time and intensity will allow you to create a dynamic training program to fit your training goals.  
Train to improve your strength, balance, coordination, muscle endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.

Additional points to consider when training with Bodyblade:

Body Position:
You can modify your body position to target specific muscle groups, move through a particular range of motion, or emphasize on a particular training goal. For example, certain positions may be ideal for emphasizing a sport specific movement or honing in on a desired outcome such as better balance, coordination, stability, or power. You can modify your body position in any of the Bodyblade exercises to best meet your needs, whether that means simplifying or adding additional layers of complexity. 
Plane of Motion:
With Bodyblade, you train in all three planes of motion at the same time, creating a dynamic training environment that helps you to be smooth, efficient, balanced, and coordinated in all movements. The three planes of motion are Sagital (front to back movement), Frontal (side to side movement), and Transverse (rotational movement). 
Place your hand or hands around the center grip with a light touch, just as if you were picking up a glass of water. Your grip should be light enough to hold the Bodyblade safely and create flex in the blade. If your grip is too firm, you may experience early fatigue in the forearm and hand muscles. 
Bodyblade can be performed in the seated position or lying on a flat surface if modifications are required. If standing, you can begin each exercise with your feet approximately shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Your stance can be further modified to add more complexity to your training. All exercises engage the lower body as those muscles are essential for creating the stability necessary to start, stop, and change direction as your body stabilizes against the inertia generated by the Bodyblade.