
As a rehabilitation professional, our goal is to provide a safe environment to improve the way our patients move in a tri-plane environment. The elements contributing to this process are: Stabilization/Mobility, Strength, Endurance, Power and Balance/Coordination. The compilation of these elements brings us to our ultimate result—Function. Rehabilitation is the process we perform that brings about function without causing harm in the process. Bodyblade®, in its unique application, contributes to all the elements described above.
The human skeletal muscles total 640. After you strip away the larger prime movers and more familiar groups such as the Pects, Lats, Delts, Biceps, Triceps, Traps, Quads, Gluts, Hamstrings, Gastroc's and a few more, what are you left with? A lot! The majority of the ensemble cast of movers in the body are for support, protection and preparation for exquisite movement in the body. The ability to sequence motor activity requires a progression of muscular involvement from the very deepest muscles proximally to the surface and most distant muscles distally. The smaller stabilizers are "King" in the human body. When they are working properly, the entire system will perform well. If the smaller and more strategic muscles are slow to react, weak or communicating poorly, the process of degeneration, or sudden injury is imminent. Therefore, mobility requires the muscles and connective tissue surrounding each joint to perform at the highest level; resulting in joint protection.
Developing strength is critical in the protection of the bones, ligaments, soft tissue and the organs of the body. Strength is important to overcome the earth's gravity so we can successfully move about. The body maintains a primary and secondary restraint system. The primary restraint system is the muscular system. Its job is to protect the secondary restraint system which is the connective tissue or ligaments that provide stability to the bony system. Rehab training must strengthen and protect the primary system of muscles to avoid risking injury to the secondary system. Bodyblade provides resistance training for both Type I and Type II fibers in the muscle. Also known as slow twitch (Type I) and fast twitch (Type II).
The ability for a muscle or group of muscles to perform accurately over a sustained period of time is critical. Fatigue means breakdown of communication, loss of control, poor response and poor stability. Bodyblade works to enhance the muscles to perform more accurately over a longer period of time, resulting in better posture and performance.
The training of the muscular system for strength alone is not sufficient. Strength should always be part of rehabilitation, but on its own will fall short of the goal. Power is the measure of force and the distance of those forces over time. Speed is the key element when the discussion of power is introduced. Bodyblade trains the body to react rapidly to external stimuli and communicate accurately as well as quickly within the neuro-muscular system.
Balance is instrumental because it is the essence of good strength, endurance, and power combined. When you have good balance or control of the body, you also have coordination of movement. The ability to balance the shortening and lengthening contractions of the body with co-contraction of the joints at just the right time contributes to wellness and stability. An elderly person trying to raise themselves out of a chair is more likely to fall from imbalance and loss of coordinated movement than weakness. The more we can provide instability in training to expand the "inner zone of control", the more we move the outer zone "loss of control" away from us. Bodyblade challenges the body to make very rapid and accurate movements to improve ultimate function for our patients.
Bodyblade® is a perfect choice for: all forms of rehabilitation including pre or post-operative exercises, Spinal Cord Injuries, Stroke, Group Training Classes, Home Exercise Programs for continuity from the clinic, or any number of indications for Sport Specific Functional Performance Training.